
We applied the techniques we learned in our original textile business and moved into the industrial materials and functional Materials fields. Furthermore, we have expanded our business field to real estate and the service industry utilizing our own land holdings. We continue to offer products and services based on our unique techniques to meet customer needs and solve societal problems.
Business Field

Textile BusinessTEXTILE DIV.
We are developing "Made in Shikibo" products with our unique development and planning ability, utilizing our domestic and foreign production bases. We are going to assemble a more varied line-up of sustainable and advanced materials to offer "full comfort."

Industrial Materials Business: Industrial MaterialsINDUSTRIAL MATERIALS DIV.
We produce the dryer canvas and filter cloths necessary for paper, cardboard, and food production processes. We are producing stable, high-quality materials and contributing to improving the environment through improvements to thermal efficiency and foreign material and dust elimination.

Industrial Materials Business: Functional MaterialsFUNCTIONAL MATERIALS DIV.
We apply our unique techniques in the composite material business to develop and produce products that contribute to energy conservation in various industries, such as for use in airplanes. In the chemical product business, we develop and produce products that support prosperous lifestyles, like industrial adhesives and food-derived food additives.

We operate various businesses centered around the rental business that utilizes the real estate we hold, like hall rentals, a linen supply business, a logistics business.