Sustainability Management
In the promotion of sustainability management, our group has drafted the following basic policies with regard to initiatives related to sustainability.
Basic Sustainability Policies
Shikibo Group's Management Philosophy is "We at the Shikibo Group create new value based on our manufacturing technology and culture. For the realization of a "safe, secure, and comfortable life" and "environmentally-friendly society."
In fiscal 2021, we have formulated a long-term vision "Mermaid 2042" targeting 2042, its 150th anniversary of our founding. And, we aim to be "Closer to you, building a bond between you and Shikibo Group. Closer to our employees, helping them to have joyful and fulfilling lives. Closer to our customers, creating technology made the future come true. Closer to the Earth, contributing to a sustainable society."
Based on the corporate philosophy and the long-term vision that shows our stance on sustainability, the Shikibo Group is aiming to work with all of our stakeholders to realize both a sustainable society and sustainable improvements to our corporate value.
Through the high quality, unique, eco-friendly products and services we have developed through our manufacturing technology and manufacturing culture, we are engaging in the resolution of environmental and societal issues.
Established March 30, 2023
Sustainability Promotion Committee
Specified materialities (important issues) for our group
Our group created a materiality map focused on the impact on our group, and the impact of our group on our stakeholders, and we have identified the following materialities as those which we should endeavor to engage in. We have defined substantive policies and goals for each materiality and important business activity, incorporated these into our business strategies and implemented initiatives.
Materialities | Important business activities | SDGs |
Countermeasures for climate change and the mitigation thereof |
Contributions to the realization of a resource-recycling society |
Employment (ease of work) |
Contributions to the safety and hygiene of customers |
Supply chain management |
Strengthening of corporate governance |
Medium-term business plan "ACTION22-24" Sustainability Management
- Further strengthening of the development and sale of eco-friendly products and products that will solve societal issues
- Investment in facilities that contribute to realizing a carbon-neutral society
- Creation of a workplace and institutions that provide a sense of fulfillment and meaningful work aimed at increasing employee engagement