
Shikibo Human Capital Policy
Structure for the fostering of human resources and the maintenance of the environment within the company
Responsible Party: Executive Officer in charge of the Corporate Division
Responsible Department: Corporate Division, General Affairs and Human Resources Department
Setting of goals, implementation of plans
By performing periodical analysis and investigation of the strengths of our organization and the problems we need to address while keeping consistent with our management strategy, we will set goals for the utilization of human resources and the maintenance of the environment within the company. We will draft and engage in a plan for the realization of these goals.
Evaluation and review
Through periodic reviews by the board of directors, we will review the results of our goals and initiatives.
Human resources fostering policy
1. Utilization of diverse human resources
Based on the belief that Shikibo's manufacturing technology and manufacturing culture will develop even further through the synergistic effect brought about by human resources who have various sets of values and who are from a variety of backgrounds, we are working to promote the activities of those human resources who possess drive and ability, regardless of their nationality, sex, age, whether or not they have disabilities, their employment and work style, gender identity and sexual preferences. While doing this, we are working to change the way of thinking of our board of directors and employees and to cultivate a workplace climate that allows those people to do their best, regardless of circumstances such as childcare, nursing or illness.
2. Fostering human resources
As the labor force population keeps dropping, we are working to ensure that our employees can work while making the most of their own personalities and abilities so that we can realize increases to our competitiveness and sustainable growth. In the fostering of human resources, we are effectively combining external reeducation offerings from a variety of educational institutions with OJT and OFF-JT, and through these we are working to allow employees to autonomously form career outlines, develop their abilities and increase their skills.
Maintenance of the workplace
1. Health and safety
Our corporate philosophy has employee health and safety as the most important issue that we need to consider in management, and we are working to enrich our health and safety management structure so that we can maintain and improve workplace health and safety.
We start from the notion that people will make mistakes, and we are working to build a workplace that is safe even if a mistake is made, as well as one in which the making of mistakes is not possible.
The health and safety information that we receive from each workplace is an important Shikibo Group asset that we share with the group as a whole as we work towards improving health and safety.
2. Harassment prevention, mental health
To create a workplace without harassment, we are implementing harassment prevention training and we operate a response structure that employees can easily utilize in the off chance that harassment does occur so that we can cultivate a corporate climate that does not tolerate harassment.
3. Observance of laws related to labor
We are working to operate and maintain a structure that ensures that labor-related laws are observed at all Shikibo Group workplaces, regardless of the country or region.
We have a consultation window for consultations related to labor legislation so we can quickly find and correct any legal violations.
4. Fair human resources and treatment systems
To correspond to the variety of working styles, we are working to ensure the operation of fair human resources and treatment systems that give sufficient consideration to the details of an employee's work, the results thereof, their contributions to the organization, and future expectations for their role in the company.
5. Work style reform
Aiming to reduce working hours while simultaneously maximizing output, we are working to operate and maintain a system that both improves labor productivity and growth of the Shikibo Group through increasing added value of the work each employee does.
Additionally, towards a balance between work and childrearing, nursing or illness, we are working to ensure that we create a workplace environment that everyone finds easy to work in and finds purpose working in through preparing and expanding systems that allow for more flexible working styles.
6. Health and productivity management
We believe that the physical and mental health of every employee working for the Shikibo Group is tied to the vitalization of the workplace, and therefore, to improving corporate value. Based on this belief, we are working to ensure we operate systems toward improvement of employee health.
7. Dialogue with employees
We believe that a workplace where employees can feel an exciting sense of fulfillment while they work is created through cooperation between the company and those employees. We are working to ensure that we operate and maintain systems related to improving the workplace environment through dialogues with employees.
We teach these policies to all employees of the Shikibo Group and also disclose them publicly.
These policies will be periodically revised based on changes to the environment internally and externally and on the results of reviews by the board of directors.
Established June 29, 2023